Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Women Missionaries

Women have been looked down on for decades in the mission field (since the beginning). They aren't held to as high of a standard as the men are and are cast aside and given subpar jobs to take care of.

Missions is a scary world. Just thinking that this could even just minutely be a possibility of my future scared me to death. What would my family say or think? Would I ever be able to raise the support that I would need? Could I shed the things of my life: the sin, the comforts of my overly comfortable life, the relationships? Would I be able to sacrifice it all to carry on this calling that God has had planned for me from the start?

After years and years of trying to rationalize and excuse away the fact that God has placed a huge calling on my life and a heart for missions the excuses and rationalizations were trampled out by the reasons that I should go, and the possibilities that I COULD go. There is and was evidence that I was called to this and encouragement kept on and is still flowing in.

I was researching some women missionaries in the past due to Raf's suggestion. Just reading about these women who were willing to give up everything that they had, and some even giving up their life without second thought gave me such inspiration and realization. If I decide to do this it's not going to be about me. It's not going to be about my glory (because even though we've come a far way.. women missionaries are still the minority). It has to be for HIM. If I don't get ONE thank you, it has to be enough. It has to be all about Him. I am merely serving a purpose to bring Him glory by being a vessel that He can use to draw more people to Him and save lives through Him.

I am so excited and overwhelmed by such a huge calling on my life and how much God trusts me. I am stocked to see what doors He opens next.

Please be praying for me! :) <3